I have a (few) dream(s)…

Hope this doesn’t read like a “bucket list” (gulp!) but instead just a lifelong “to do list” as a designer, aside from the daily rigors of client projects, and so forth…

  1. Design my own font, Udanium Sans and Serif (in a family of weights, of course)
  2. Write a series of short books (a la Maeda’s Laws of Simplicity) on the profound topics of Strategy, Language, Innovation, Culture, and Experience, which would have the cute nickname SLICE :-)
  3. Author a best-selling memoir of my journey in Silicon Valley through Oracle, Adobe, Cisco, and other companies, and the lessons learned
  4. Illustrate a graphic novel or comic book issue (at least do the cover artwork)
  5. Do at least one of these photographic workshops, led by Santa Fe and/or National Geographic
  6. Have my own photography and art/illustration gallery downtown (or at least a temporary opening with nice wines and cheeses)
  7. Map out the entirety of design knowledge into a visually compelling diagram series, per Dick Buchanan’s landmark seminar at CMU
  8. Give the keynote address at a major design conference
  9. Design and grow a design curriculum/syllabus for a major university
  10. Take a class/workshop at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA)

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