Towards visionary design
What does it take to make breakthrough, game-changing visionary designs that transform human attitudes/behaviors or entire markets? Well in a word, a LOT :-) I don’t have the answers. But…
Uday Gajendar's musings on design
What does it take to make breakthrough, game-changing visionary designs that transform human attitudes/behaviors or entire markets? Well in a word, a LOT :-) I don’t have the answers. But…
So here’s what I’ve been reading lately on my iPad (thanks to the Kindle App ;-)  • ReWork: a brief passionate manifesto by the 37Signals folks, expressing their philosophy of…
Just sharing a few notable links that caught my eye (and mind) recently…Enjoy!  • Dan Saffer’s online interview with Want magazine: A bit long but filled with interesting thoughts ranging…
Today I attended the Web 2.0 Expo in SF thanks to a free day pass. Otherwise I probably would not have gone. Why? It’s 2010. Aren’t we supposed to be…
OK so you’ve been invited to present to the design team and meet personally with various designers 1-on-1. What should you expect? How should you prepare? Here’s some general tips…